05 December 2017 /

Apple dip

Author: Will Williams

The UK’s 4th largest Brandy wanted to generate some noise in the run up to Christmas ’17 around the launch of their new flavour – E&J Apple.

We were briefed to deliver an engaging and disruptive UK-wide trade promotion aimed at creating awareness and driving distribution within the Impulse Channel.
Having worked on countless trade campaigns in the past, we knew that the best way to engage retailers within the Cash & Carry environment was through a fun, interactive experience, so we created ‘E&J Apple Dip’ where the aim of the game was to find the gold apple in order to win great prizes.

We managed every aspect of the trade campaign from sourcing hundreds of green and gold plastic apples through to 3D CAD designs for the stand, so they could be easily transported around the different Cash & Carry depots by the Brand Ambassadors.

To support the promotion, we also designed large format 3D Apple Trees, giant bottle standees and POS kits including shelf wobblers, barkers and neck hangers to create standout in both Cash & Carry and Impulse channels.